Session objectives

1. Introduction to intersectional & decolonial perspectives: Setting the stage, introducing important concepts and terminology. Outlining the colonial continuities inherent in a globalised world and how they impact the experiences of people on the move in different ways. Applying these concepts to own experiences and contexts.

2. Global health, migration & human rights: offering a brief Introduction into global health, relevant actors and architecture. Understanding a rights-based approach to health and global health. Specifying this to the context of migration, forced displacement and the rights of people on the move.

3. Case studies / participant workshops: peer-to-peer learning on relevant examples i.e. in the fields of global health and migration, trauma, refugee rights and asylum policies, access to healthcare

4. Refugee rights, migration politics & border regimes: insights into the European border and asylum politics and what their impact is on people. Discussing interlinkages between political structures, health and activism.

5. Trauma & body: Introduction neurophysiological basis of trauma reaction and dissociation, basic trauma model, traumasensitive approach and dealing with symptoms. Shifting from pathologization to an orientation on resources. Trauma and refugees: sequential traumatization and specific needs.

6. Trauma: culture & context: conceptualisations of trauma, memory and healing in different cultural contexts. Identifying trauma as a social process. Acquiring a gender and culture sensitive perspective. Lessons from the work with survivors of extreme violence in Rwanda and other settings. Understanding the importance of gender, context and culture sensitivity.

7. Trauma politics & human rights: Understanding (global) structures of violence and an ongoing privatisation of suffering. Discussing on concrete examples such as psychosocial support programmes. Juxtaposing a human rights culture and global solidarity as alternative.

8. Psychosocial support and empowerment in the context of collective trauma: learning about approaches to collective processing of trauma experiences and psychosocial support. Gaining insights into intercultural and gender aspects of trauma work and the conditions for successful trauma work. Discussing the interaction of different approaches like psychotherapeutic, social work, processing and justice.

9. Self care and community care for health workers: Focus on individual and collective strategies for care in contexts of trauma and violence, both in the context of health work and activism

10. Community building and empowerment through trauma-sensitive cultural work: Focus on experiences and skills for community building and empowerment in the work with trauma survivors through creative methods, practising exercises for the re-orientation in the here and now such as dissociation stops, stabilization exercises and visual imagination techniques.

11. Fish Bowl with activists on repression, resistance and community resilience: hearing the perspectives and expertise of persons with an experience of forced displacement/migration/activism in contexts of repression. What can we learn from each other, what can we apply to our own context? Centering solidarity in our work.

12. Online session: Working with refugees from a Medical Peace Work perspective in Kenya and Uganda: Introducing basic concepts of medical peace work. Gaining insights into the realities of refugee’s in Eastern Africa.

13. Playback theatre performance: wrap-up through playback theatre methods. Linking our emotions and thoughts. Telling the stories of the summer school and its key moments.


Supported by:

Engagement Global
mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung

and Medical Peace Work





Health and Globalisation Health and Globalisation Health and Globalisation

Health and Globalisation